Bostonian, all you've done is prove that you didn't bother to read, and that Paul Graham isn't informed on the subject, either. Because I gave two links upstream that already answered this question. The title of one of them: "Silicon Valley’s gender gap is the result of computer-game marketing 20 years ago." So it seems pretty obvious that one way you get 13 year old girls interested in computers is to market games to them. And if Paul were hanging out with 13 year old girls, he would know that, unlike when Paul and I were teens, they're already playing them.

Rather than let you continue to hijack the thread with bad arguments in defense of an untenable position (Archie Bunker was a buffoon even in his own time), I'm more interested in anecdata, as I described in the OP. As you've already outed yourself as proto-human, please share with us how those attitudes have shaped your own children's confidence and interests (or lack thereof) in STEM pursuits.