Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by Val
DA isn't a charter school. It's a public school with an IQ cutoff...
It may be helpful to provide source documents to substantiate points made, so that people are being well-informed by reading the forums... to that end, I will share the following (others may have more to share):
1) The DA "About Us page" has a "History/Timeline" which points to Nevada legislation: Revised Statute 392A, updated to 388C.
2) The Nevada legislation can be found several places online. Findlaw is one of these: Nevada Revised Statutes Title 34 Education. This shows Charter Schools defined and governed by 388A, Achievement Charter Schools defined and governed by 388B, University Schools for Profoundly Gifted Pupils defined and governed by 388C. ...

From the DA's home page:

The Academy is a third kind of public school (not a charter school) established thanks to state legislation, Nevada Revised Statute 388C.

As for some charter schools targeting low income students, this fact is irrelevant to the fact that many charter schools are bending and breaking laws to avoid taking students who won't make them look good. Ideology doesn't change facts.