Originally Posted by Val
Not to mention VR00's disparaging of Detroit public schools while sparing the charters' equally bad performance. Unless I've missed some alternative facts ( confused ), this is ideology talking.

Val, Are you disagreeing about the assessment of Detriot schools?
I never argued that all charter schools are going to be great. My only experience with one is Davidson Academy which would not exist if they had to accept whoever applies.

The argument is for putting the choice in parents hands. One needs to believe that parents know what is good for their children. I cannot count how many times I have stood before a school official who says "They know what is best for the kid". You and I can walk and pay for any number of alternate options as you described. What choice does a poor parent have?

I am not sure why there is so much venom against a person who wants to provide this choice. If the parents want to spend the money on parochial education why should we stand in their way? Some of the best schools in the country started as parochial schools. The answer is some reasonable form of accreditation.

No idea why the Jerry Falwell boogieman argument is thrown in here.

Last edited by VR00; 01/22/17 09:44 PM.