Originally Posted by indigo
To live within personal family budgets, many families find cost-effective alternatives. To use AoPs as an example, rather than "Plan A" purchasing an AoPS online class... a family might develop "Plan B" purchasing a used AoPS book, or even finding a book through inter-library loan.

But the core issue isn't access to private solutions for public school problems. The core issue is that the public schools simply aren't educating youth. They're producing widgets, and the widgets aren't even graduates. They're test scores.

Which gives us excerpts instead of novels, minimal teaching of grammar, minimal meaningful essay writing (and essays may end up being graded by peers or simply given credit for being turned in), "core competencies" over depth of knowledge, and so on.

It's as though we've become so used to the badness, we've started to accept it, and and have lost the ability to be outraged at the need for homeschooling and Mathnasium and Russian School of Mathematics and Sylvan Learning and Essay camp and a long list of other entities that do the school's jobs for them. It's one thing to WANT to use these things, but the NEED for them is outrageous.