Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
JBDAd - I'm interested in that statement. I think MDs are generally more comfortable with using that title than Ph.Ds. I've never used it. WHen DS was in K, his teacher remarked how much he knows about science, w/out thinking, I said "well, his father and I both have Ph.Ds in science." I kid you not, the man rolled his eyes at me. That was pretty much the end of the conversation. I've kept my degree under wraps since then.

When people do this my DW asks them if they have an eye problem. When they say no, she then mimics what they did and asks them if they are aware that they have this problem. She then goes on at length about how it may be the result of a rare brain condition. When they fall for the bait and ask what condition it is, she TELLS them. The next time she meets them in public, she asks how their brain tumor is doing and if they still have that eye symptom. Most of the time, the non-clued-in people around them ask for more information and she shows it to them. She does it such Southern Belle voice, too. LOL.

Last edited by Austin; 08/10/08 04:06 PM.