JB! Yippee!
Thanks for standing up for your child and who knows? Perhaps the school will be so thrilled with the results that they will open the door for other kids who are similarly in need of a skip!


I've noticed that there is a great variety in how schoolies react to parents. Some are frankly sexist. Some are not. Sometimes a father's just sitting and not even saying 'boo' will make a big difference. Because it signals that he is 'on board?' because of sexism? It varies! There is also a variety in how involved both parents get in the whole 'gifted thing' - sometimes one parent, father or mother, will end up with the lion's share of 'thinking about a child's special educational needs.' Sometimes both parents are 'into it.'

I believe that the key is that every positive step is a victory for each family, and may touch many lives that we will never know about.


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