Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
WHen DS was in K, his teacher remarked how much he knows about science, w/out thinking, I said "well, his father and I both have Ph.Ds in science." I kid you not, the man rolled his eyes .
I'm just wondering how you do that w/out coming across as snooty, elitest and starting off on the wrong foot?"

Wow. This is all a really sad commentary on our society and how an innate quality like intelligence can be called "elitist." Reactions like the eye-rolling one described above say a lot about the mentality of the eye-roller and speak volumes about why so many of us have so much trouble with the schools. I mean seriously, what kind of cretin was this guy?

Also unfortunately, this type of attitude helps drive bright kids out of the public schools.

Sorry, I just had to vent. This was too appalling.


Last edited by Val; 08/10/08 01:16 PM.