Originally Posted by MegMeg
Here's what I don't get -- why aren't the relevant weaknesses strengthened just by reading practice?

for my ds15, I would say he just tended towards books with lots of white space, and pictures so he could keep his place better without it being a conscious decision, necessarily (captain underpants, and then later diary of a wimpy kid, for example). there were a few exceptions, but mostly anything with just massive text would really slow him down once he reached regular novel size and type a couple years back.
He would also take a LOT of breaks, probably because of fatigue, but because he was older, the only thing I saw was that it was taking him longer and longer to finish a book, and he was really picky about what he would read - so I think these are reasons just reading doesn't fix the issue - the child is pushed away from the areas that are harder and they don't practice on those areas.