Every time I saw threads here about vision therapy I thought, "That's not us. Yet." I was hoping "yet" wouldn't ever happen.

We were at a physical therapist for a completely different issue, and somehow the issue eye-hand-foot dominance came up, and the therapist said, "I don't think she's mixed dominance," and then she started testing her for convergence, and confirmed that DD can converge, but fatigues quickly on staying converged and tracking.

I've been saying for YEARS that DD7 has wacky visuo-spatial skills. She started reading short words at age 4, but is still not a fluent reader at age 7. She often starts out well with reading, but wears out really quickly. She is terrible at jigsaw puzzles. She is years behind on representational drawing, and much prefers abstract doodling. She doesn't appear to have any large-scale vision or spatial problems -- excels at gymnastics and archery and rock climbing.

I've always been a little worried that vision therapy was snake-oil, so I was a bit relieved when my search of the literature turned up much the same as what's been said here recently: there's a lot of nonsense in the field, but the stuff for convergence, accomodation, and related eye-muscle issues seems to be legit.

Anyway . . . big sigh. I've joined the ranks of people here whose kids need vision therapy. (The possible silver lining is that I would love it if her reading suddenly took off as a result.)