Mahagogo I completely agree. I feel like when I finally get that point where I'm ok with the situation and everything is going ok and he's doing good then something else happens it's like never ending. And for some reason, I still don't quite get it, I am extremely protective of my kids when it comes to their mental happiness. Yes my kids play outside without me babying them and yes they get hurt and dirty and get in fights and I'm ok with that but when someone disrespects my child I seriously go over the top with mama bear mode. It's been a discussion in my household and part of the reason why my husband and I separated for several months last year. It's like this crazy need to 100% have their back when I "know" they aren't in the wrong. But when I heard my son made a little girl cry in second grade I made him make her homemade card apologizing and taught him the importance of empathy and compassion. Maybe I'm just messed up in the head which really isn't helping him any. I wonder if I should just step out of the whole situation all together?