Pemberly I really want to have something hopeful and positive to say, and I don't really, so I have held back waiting for someone wiser than I to find it.... I see you've had no takers.

I have three daughters and this would be a huge concern to me. I'm on my ipad and can't type easily, but I am really not sure how I'd handle the fact that she's now effectively in an all boys school!

My eldest was one of 5 girls in a class of 20ish and this caused her enough social problems (being a bright and odd child) that we ended up having to move her... Middle daughter is currently the only girl in her grade in a split class (all girls are in the next grade and she;s skipped so all the girls are fully 2 years older than her). Also there are 8 girls out of 28. Again this is causing issues... Such that she doing a trial day at a girls school next week! I really can't imagine the scenario you are in!

I really like the idea of co-ed education, particularly in primary school, but the unbalanced classes we've been struggling with have been enough to drive us to looking at all girls schools, let alone being the only girl!

It's great that the primary problems are at lunch and recess, that it's not impacting her learning. But none the less this seems really unfortunate for social development. I realise that changing schools is difficult to impossible, but wow. I don't even know what to suggest. Joining an all girls after school activity in order to foster contact and friendships is hardly going balance this kind of learning environment and playground imbalance is it?

I can easily imagine my girls may grow up to choose very male dominated careers, the older two perhaps more than the youngest, but that is a different situation to being in what amounts to an all boys school as a yr4.