I note that only 2.5 weeks have passed since you first began discussing this. In that time, you've apparently solved one problem (daydreaming), and tantrums have evolved from "every day" to "2-3 per week." That sounds like positive progress.

Behavior modification is a process that requires consistency, patience, and time. It sounds like you're doing well with the first thing, running short on the second, and haven't had much of the last thing yet.

I'd recommend a few minor modifications to your approach, based on the little shared here:

- Clearer definition of behavioral goals that can restore access to lost privileges. Rather than, "have an awesome" Tuesday and Wednesday, say, "no tantrums." Because "awesome" is pretty ambiguous.

- I'd find something else to use as a revocable privilege. On one hand, the thing you're using is an educational opportunity... according to my Rights, Responsibilities, and Privileges speech I give to DD, education is a right, and cannot be revoked. So, unless I saw my DD throwing tantrums in that class environment, such that she was interfering with her own education and with that of others, the class would be off limits for me. On the other hand, a once-weekly event is pretty remote, and you want the child to experience negative consequences much sooner. It's better to find something the child enjoys access to every day.

Otherwise, it sounds like you're on the right track, and you should take a moment to appreciate that things are getting better in a relatively short time.