Originally Posted by LAF
Also, the good news is that if you outgrew it, this may be completely developmental and she will learn to channel it just like you did. And cammom has some good points too.

I think I read that Nikola Tesla walked 8-10 miles a day. Wonder if he was using that to think up some of his ideas...

This actually really concerns me. Now that I'm seeing the big picture, I realize I didn't out grow it.

I spent my first semester at college lost in a walking day dream and ended up detouring to a different school/ major that was easier.

It didn't really stop until I, unfortunately, took up smoking. I gave up smoking and started working 70 hours a week, then distance running and grad school. The last few years of my life have been packed with adult responsibility. With three of my four away from home, I believe I need to be proactively looking for something to productively fill my time, as well as help Dd avoid losing chunks of her life to this.