Hmm... here's a thought- something that saved me later. I became less entranced in my day dream life and channeled it productively into "ideas."

I was (and still am) interested in big questions and thoughts. I enjoy sociology, educational philosophy, ethics/logic because it provides a framework for big thoughts.

It started when I stumbled across Lincoln's Gettysberg Address and later Martin Luther King's speeches- I became immersed in the language and the ideas- equality, justice, courage, conviction. These are real life extensions of the ideas in books like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. It's why they are so entrancing- little people doing big things, overcoming odds, being brave and loyal.

I wonder if there is a way to help your daughter be mindful of time and her tendencies (no one helped me with this to my detriment). Maybe incorporate some philosophy, ethics, sociology into her coursework?

Just some thoughts.