DD8 has ADHD and I do attribute many of her outburts to that. So that makes it more difficult to deal with. She also reminds me of a mouthy 14 year old at times, accusing us of being stupid or unreasonable, or whatever. But it's hard to punish something that is the result of a disability or something that she has less control over than "normal" kids, although in most situations there still need to be consequences, or it needs to be turned into a learning experience. One thing that I do when things get out of hand is to tell her to cool off in her room and it's up to her when she is ready to come out. That way the situation is under her control...the second she gets control of herself life can go on as normal. We are not "forcing" a timeout or turning the timeout into a punishment. We tell her that it's not fair for the rest of us to listen to whining, screaming, etc, so it's something she needs to deal with away from other people. Usually when she's done with her fit she wants to talk about whatever made her mad, and this allows her to move on.