Hi Diana. You have every right to brag. I am so grateful for this site. My favorite past time is bragging about my son...I can't help it. He is completely amazing. People always look at me funny when I talk about him and most think I am just exaggerating. It's so wonderful to celebrate our children's accomplishments.
Thank you for sharing your stories. I don't know what night terrors are really but my 2.8 yo son sometimes wake up in the middle of the night screaming about things that frustrate him like "no more milk in the bed" and " no more cookies". I will certainly look into this.
There is something I am concerned and I would like to see what everyone's ideas are. My son goes to an early intervention class beacuse he was delayed in talking although as soon as he turned 2 he started talking away and at that time reading letters and numbers on the freeway signs and cigarette prices at the gas stations. Now he is reading, spelling doing addition, subtraction, multiplication. He knew his alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes at around 16 months. Some of his teachers are concerned about his "selective listening" and his being inconsistent in following directions. My husband and I feel that he listens and follows directions only when he is interested with the activity or if there is a promise of something he is interested in. Does anybody have the same issues with their gifted toddlers? He also likes to do certain things a few times but then gets bored and does not want to repeat the same activity that he seemingly enjoyed so much just the day before. He is also very fascinated with letters and numbers. Often, he would create letters and numbers out of pieces of paper, toys or just about any object. He would often correctly tell us the first letter of words he would hear, attempting to spell them out from how they sound. Does any body have any behavioral issues like this with their gifted children? Do you think this could be a cause for concern?