Hi, I'm new.

I'm a single grandma guardian to my exceptionaly bright 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter. She's memorized nearly all of her books (and we have a lot), knows every animal there is and the sounds they make, has an exceptional vocabulary, and will tell long stories, or describe (accurately) events she has seen, and understands, and tells, jokes and puns.

I'd like to have her tested, but don't know how to begin. I'm reading about a CAT test, and other stuff, but I don't know what they are or where I would go to have her tested.

She's also very agile with extraordinary balance (climbs pretty big trees, actually she'll climb nearly anything), loves the outdoors and examining and taling about everything.

I want to be sure that she achieves her maximum capabilities without losing the fun and joy in life - which right now is nearly everything (OK, except the potty.. she'll go a couple weeks just fine, then she'll get bored. She told me that she liked her diaper because she COULD pee in it and not interrupt her play!

Your suggestions on testing and finding good educational resources is most appreciated!