We had a bad experience with Suzuki method and Mite. It was really a bad teacher, not the method. Our Rite, of course, took off in Suzuki and was Mr. Star of the recital when he was 6. He didn't like violin and we let him quit right after that, though.

Mite was 4 when he start. He really struggled with his fingers. Now, of course, we know why, but back then we just thought he didn't get it. HIs teacher was horrendous. She would scold him and scold him and tell him, "I already showed you this. You need to pay attention. You need to concentrate." etc. He felt so badly after his lessons that we only did 5 and we quit. To this day, he won't try violin.

Knowing now how severe the disability is, especially in his left hand, I wish I could go back to that teacher and give her a verbal lashing.

Come to think of it, his piano teacher says the same things and he knows about Mite's disabilities. hmmmmmmmmmm. Well, we're off for the summer with that guy and plan on landing somewhere else in the fall.

I don't understand people who insist that a child is not disabled, but would rather label them as lazy and careless.

Willa Gayle