Mommy2myEm - that is so funny how the boy and girl dynamics cross! I somewhat regularly find DS7 engaged in a war between DD3's calico critters. Or a tornado or hurricane has attacked their house. The horror! DD3 regularly arms herself with a lightsaber (the closest thing we allow to a weapon in the house) while wearing princess dresses. DS7 was also stomping around in DD3's dress up shoes the other day.

My DS was exactly the same with the fine motor stuff. Kindergarten really was great for him for fine motor skills. Once it clicked, he took off.

I have a friend with a DD5 who is an oldest. She's really excited about academics, very high energy, etc. She has a DS3 and she worries about him because he doesn't laugh with glee over alphabet games, writing, etc like her daughter was at 3. We were with them one day, and this little guy identified the make of a pick up truck and the fact that it had 2 gas tanks at 100+ feet along with plenty of other technical details. Umm ... yeah - I wouldn't worry about him! They are just really wired differently.

And Jenafur - boys are so fun! When I was pregnant with #2, I really thought it would be so much fun to have 2 little boys running around.