Originally Posted by delbows
she let me know what she wanted. I always described her as high maintainence rather than fussy.

Delbows, My firstborn (DD12) was "high maintenance" also. I've been very careful to never describe her (within her hearing) as "a difficult baby." I always say "she had a difficult time with being a baby." Which I think is true, because she just seemed so angry about being helpless and dependent.

Basically she screamed her way through the whole first year. She was hypersensitive to stimuli. She wouldn't react in the moment--if we went out, she seemed happily enthralled by the noise, lights, people, activities. But when we'd get home she'd scream for two hours straight. Getting to sleep was a big problem, too. It took me awhile, but I finally figured it out that the less I did with her (rocking, singing, etc.) at bedtime, the faster she'd settle down.

She didn't want to be held facing me, either. When she was old enough, she would literally put her arms straight out and push against me, while arching her back and her neck as far away as possible. I tried not to take it personally, LOL. She was nothing like the calm, cuddly babies my friends had.

There is so much more I'd love to say on this thread but I must get some work accomplished today!