Originally Posted by shifrbv
DD says there are reading groups and she got moved but she doesn't read any assigned book, only does worksheets.
You may wish to keep a list of books she reads on her own outside of school, including their lexile levels.

She got moved to a different math group as well. All groups have generic names (red, blue, green, yellow).
You may wish to know the color-name of her assigned group, and ask DD for names of other kiddos in her group, to invite them for a play date or movie-and-popcorn party, etc. Sometimes parents will stay and visit amongst themselves, rather than just dropping kiddos off.

The classrooms are each ability grouped. Then they have a special G&T classroom for each grade (with foreign language instruction and accelerated curriculum).
Ugh! This presumes a one-size-fits-all amongst the gifted kiddos. Some have found it more challenging/supportive to cluster pupils by readiness/ability without regard to age/grade, thereby creating multi-age/multi-grade classes of similar readiness/ability.

I have no idea how this is decided which students are put in the G&T classrooms and which are just left in the regular class.
Optimally this would be based on a student's developmental needs (readiness/ability).

We do have a Progress report that is updated each quarter.
While this is standard, it provides a history, specific to your child. Meanwhile proactive information with respect to the process would manage expectations and provide transparency. This might include the learning outcomes for your DC's ability group in each subject, having a syllabus or schedule of lessons, receiving a weekly update pertaining to your DC's ability groups (rather than a generic weekly update which does not resemble your daughter's lived experience in the classroom).

... we get a weekly newsletter which states which Math topic they will be working on for the week, but it doesn't seem to match what DD says her group is working on.
This might be something to politely ask about.

I saw some of the kids in G&T at last year's school theater production and I really want DD to be able to interact with that group.
Do they have interests in common (clubs, sports, etc) which might bring them together outside of school?

How does your daughter feel about school, friends, etc?