It sounds like a HUGE disconnect between the scores and the leveling of your DD. She is excelling in more than one area - this is harder to ignore or chalk up to good guessing. I do not believe that MAP tests are ever age-normed (ours have never been). This means your young DD is outperforming most in her grade, despite her age. "Remedial," is not something I would expect to see with those scores unless your DD is "twice exceptional" or 2e. Have they specifically diagnosed a LD? If a LD is suspected, the school needs to better communicate with you. Also, a LD could be actually dragging her scores down - she might score even higher on achievement testing with the proper support for her needs/possible challenges. It sounds like the school needs to consider the whole picture with your DD. They also should be accommodating her strengths (providing academic challenge so she will continue to make progress), as well as her challenges (what, specifically, needs remediation and how do they plan to address?). I think you might need to put the "problem parents" concerns to the side here (I understand that this can be difficult).

Perhaps our testing experts can weigh in - at this point, perhaps it is a good idea to rule out a LD (for your peace of mind, and to perhaps illustrate her learning potential, as well), with an assessment (WISC, etc.)?

Wishing you and your DD the best!