Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by shifrbv
Her chance for accelerated work in this area for next year was sabotaged by an inept instructor.

I'm not sure I understand why the chances for accelerated work are necessarily all over for next year - this year's not over.


Our district uses the Winter MAP test to determine eligibility for accelerated curriculum for the next school year. Students with 95% or above qualify for services. 99% in reading and 91% in math does not qualify. Therefore, she will be in a regular classroom.

I have requested some feedback from DD's teacher on this but I've yet to hear anything (even after 3 days).

My problem with the way Math is taught is the teacher sends out a weekly update with the math topic. However, because our district is heavily into ability grouping, what I've discovered is that the update has no correlation to what is being taught in the groups. And there is no homework (the district is very strict on this policy) so it's impossible for me as a parent to be involved unless my DD tells me every detail of what the group talked about which can be difficult because as I stated earlier she is one of the youngest kids in the class and doesn't always have a handle on what is exactly going on. I now feel this is 100% why DD slipped on the test. 2nd grade math is trivial, it makes no sense otherwise. Case in point, 2 weeks ago DD was out for 4 days with severe flu (first absence the entire school year). I asked for work to be sent home with her younger sister who was able to return to school 1 day earlier because she was better. We got a packet but it was all language, only 1 math sheet with very simple problems (count simple money, low level addition, etc.) Took DD 1 minute to do and nothing else. I have no idea what happened with math that week. We just worked on more concepts at home.

This school system seems very hostile to parent involvement. As I mentioned earlier, no volunteers, almost no homework (especially math), and very few papers that ever come home. It is difficult to get responses from teachers in a timely manner. Even though DD is 99% in reading, she has no idea who the girls are in 2nd grade GATE because there is no co-mingling of the kids. We are considering moving.

Last edited by shifrbv; 02/25/14 07:26 AM.