Can you ask for a list of comprehension questions to review with her? Also be sure to ask what kind of answers they want the kids to give - extremely detailed, or are they supposed to give broader answers. Learning the type of answers they want is very important. Is she supposed to be writing about the books? Couch your request as "we want to work with you by working with her at home on the same skills she is learning at school."

At second grade level in our school, the kids are expected to go from retelling what happened in detail to talking more about the characters and the setting, and explaining the plot in broader terms than before. They are expected to begin to do some analysis, at a very low level.

One of my sons had a lot of trouble in K with reading because he wasn't paying attention to the material during the DRA assessment, and didn't know he was supposed to retell every page in detail. Then he developed anxiety about the assessments because he knew he wasn't passing, and it got even worse. However, once I figured out what he was supposed to be doing, I was able to teach it to him in 10 minutes.

Our school sends home the list of comprehension questions/items that they are tested on to move to the next level, so that we can practice at home.

Last edited by momoftwins; 11/18/13 08:17 AM.