Hi! I wanted to come back and give an update.

I did wind up letting them do a full skip. I met with the superintendent and another Board of Ed person, who both strongly suggested it, saying they'd talked to every teacher and aide who'd been in contact with my daughter and it was unanimous that this would be the right thing for her. They then said we could do a 1-month trial before making a decision, and that's what sold me on it.

So she had her trial in November and it went well. The teacher is great and the work is a lot more appropriate for her. The students are not as sweet... we're encountering some cliques and such for the first time, but she has found a few nice friends and is still having playdates with some of her 1st grade friends, too. Academically, it was the right call. Socially, I'm still on the fence, but we're going for it. Having a really nice teacher has helped to balance out the fact that the kids aren't as sweet.

She's also been guaranteed a spot in the district's gifted class in 4th-5th grade, so just a year and a half until then.

Thank you for all the feedback.