Aquinas, I don't believe I've been disrespectful. I strain to find how any of THIS, however, is respectful in any way:

Originally Posted by indigo
Faced with difficulty in discerning the facts, your offensive reply on another thread, your report of daughter not complaining of boredom unless you ask her, and the instability which you mentioned in your personal life...
Originally Posted by mommajay
This kid has been through SO much change and upheaval in her life... divorce, 6 moves in 6 years, people disappearing from our lives...
some may be hesitant to answer.

I also don't understand why the fact that my daughter isn't complaining about boredom unless asked would be an appropriate reason not to answer my request for advice. I understand that it's a valid question to ask someone; I just fail to see how it can be used as a reason not to respond. My daughter also doesn't complain when she has the flu. That doesn't mean she doesn't have the flu. It just means she's a wonderfully cheerful kid.