Originally Posted by Irena
I do think if I pushed harder and got the teachers' to do some rating scales (they did not when he was eval'ed last time because it was summer and he wasn't in school), he would be officially dx'ed. I know that the last eval they did *some* tests for it but they didn't bear out the diagnosis -I know one was a computer test (?), and there was some other assessment that he actually did really well on (shockingly) I forget the name but when I am home I'll look it up. Also, his working memory doesn't really fit the bill for it either. The tester and I talked about it and she did recommend coming back for some additional tests, getting his teachers' feedback and she would also need to do an in-school observation of him. At that point she could (and I think would) give him ADHD diagnosis. I'm sure he'd get it - especially the way the teachers were talking today. However, I am still personally not completely convinced that is really what he has; so, even with the Dx I still would wait on meds anway.

I have to apologize - I thought I read all the replies before I replied, but keep finding replies I didn't read.. so I'm answering out of order!

Anyway, given this, I might go back to his neuropsych for the follow-up that she suggested .. but.. the one thing that I think is missing here is - an ADHD diagnosis can't be given based only on symptoms being present in one environment (the classroom) - they also need to be present in the other environments a child is in (home). So you and your dh would also need to have filled out behavioral surveys indicating you're seeing behaviors that are symptomatic of ADHD. And I *think* I remember (but can't remember for sure if this is necessary for diagnosis) - but fwiw, our ped felt that another flag for us that indicated our ds didn't have ADHD was that the behaviors that were of a concern re distractibility etc did not occur before he went to school - we were told that if it was ADHD we would have seen signs of it when ds was younger. Instead, we were seeing behaviors only at school and the reason for those behaviors was due to what ds was being asked to do at school (the combination of working without help for his 2nd e and being bored with lack of intellectual stimulation).

I also would consider - perhaps the reason your dh and his relatives had issues with distraction etc in school in the early years might also be due to having been bored and/or dysgraphia etc.
