Originally Posted by geofizz
We've gone 15 rounds for each of my kids on ADHD. In our case, it was a matter of addressing the needs of the child, with no clear evidence (that very boarderline data) of ADHD/ADD-i.

How old is he and how old is he compared to his peers?

Is this a change from last year to this year?

What are the disabilities that put him in the category of 2e? Are they being well managed?

Geofizz, thanks! I was posting when you were posting I think... Most of the answers to these questions are contained in my last post. DS just turned 8 - he is in 2nd grade. Yes, as I mentioned in my last post this is a bit of a change.

The disabilities that put him the category of 2e are Ehelers Danlos (genetic connective tissue disorder affecting his joints) and Developmental Coordination Disorder with dysgraphia. I have always suspected it's the DCD that makes him seem ADHD - they do seem to overlapping symptoms, particuarly with the problems dysgraphics/DCD people have with sequencing and attention. But people just aren' as familiar with DCD.