Originally Posted by SiaSL
Originally Posted by indigo
Schools may benefit by an increase in financial aid for serving a larger number of disabled pupils.

Hmmm... I like the universe you live in. Can I move there?

Since IDEA was never fully funded (http://febp.newamerica.net/backgrou...ities-education-act-funding-distribution) most school districts (in our state -- other might be more generous in bridging the gap) are better off with the least number of identified students. Child find is a joke around here.

Which is also why every single article in the local paper that touches on special needs children absolutely needs to include a mention of how much money they take away from general ed students mad. They are also the semi-official excuse given for the complete cancellation of the GATE program in the district last year (yes, really, those special needs kids and the English language learners).

As far as I can tell, child-find and inclusive practices are pretty much a joke EVERYWHERE.

Feeling particularly bitter on this subject this morning.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.