I guess I'm confused by "pull out" services. What does this mean? I can see accommodations, but what would that help if there are no ADHD symptoms to accommodate? Which accommodations are you looking for and what would they help if there is no disability involved? Unless he is failing, I don't think he would be eligible for an IEP or any pull-out services. 504's provide accommodations, but no actual special ed services.

My DD has ADHD and it seems to be pretty severe--even medicated she is incredibly slow in school with processing speed issues. We have a medical diagnosis but the school is resisting even giving her a 504. They say that since she is not "failing" there is no need to do anything. I think if I get pushy I could probably get a 504 but any accommodations would be very limited, like giving her more time on spelling tests, not having to take the timed CogAT again, etc. Even if her IQ ends up being above the cut-off, she still needs achievement test scores in reading and math and teacher recommendations in order to be eligible for the highly gifted magnet school (unless her composite is over 139, in which case achievement testing can be below the 98th percentile). An ADHD diagnosis and 504 or IEP doesn't remove these qualifying criteria, they just may be more flexible in terms of how they test a child--like substituting timed tests with a different test.
I would not get a bogus ADHD diagnosis. For one thing it makes things more difficult for kids who actually do have ADHD (it's like crying "wolf"--pretty soon no one believes anyone has ADHD anymore), and also, I think it may hurt more then help. I am being very cautious even with a child who DOES actually have it because I fear there will be some bias against her--i.e., them not wanting 2e kids in the program, thinking it will be too difficult for both themselves and the child.