Originally Posted by Old Dad
If the game wasn't played that way with a specific college determining / helping to determine who gets those high paying jobs, then there wouldn't be such a big deal about getting into Ivy League schools and we wouldn't have to worry about making made to order admissions applications. There's a top down problem for people to solve.

I'm not quite certain that the Ivy League graduates will be happy to fix the system so that their credentials and status are devalued. In part, I'm basing this on what I call the "Amy Chua" archetype. Watching her bail on Duke to climb the Law Status ladder was fun.

I'm more confident that the College Debt Industrial Complex (and Medical Debt Industrial Complex) will implode sometimes within the next 10 to 20 years.

My current hobby is to watch the Law School Complex implode.

Last edited by JonLaw; 08/30/12 08:30 AM. Reason: Add Amy Chua anecedote