Originally Posted by intparent
I actually saw a reference to Davidson in a book I read a couple of years ago about getting kids into top colleges. It was talking about how to productively spend your summers to prepare for college apps, and THINK was listed in the book. But it had an asterisk that basically said it is so darned hard to get into because of the scores required that most students shouldn't bother, but if you can do it to go for it. Now again, that is THINK, not DYS. Sorry, can't recall the name of the book.


What High Schools Don’t Tell You (And other parents don’t want you to know)
by Wissner-Gross, E.

Originally Posted by intparent
Just as an aside, how is a high test score (eg, high ACT score, which my D just pulled off -- a 35 out of 36 with NO prep for that test) any different to an admissions counselor than a high IQ? Both are a snapshot in time, a one day test. They show something about your intellectual chops compared to the rest of the applicant pool, and colleges clearly consider that invaluable information (otherwise test scores would not be required!) I actually still keep a scholarship reference on my resume from college (25 years ago) for an ACT score in the top 100 for my state, and I know that employers notice and remember it. I don't know why we should treat an indication of a high IQ as shameful. Now... I wouldn't put the actual IQ on the application. smile That would be considered wierd.

Yes, but why? Why is it different from listing an ACT or SAT score? (I agree with your post but am just musing.)