Originally Posted by Val
This is the point I've been trying to make. When you MUST do all these activities, and you MUST excel at them, you aren't doing them for healthy reasons, and you won't get the benefits that would get from doing things just because they interest you or are otherwise important for healthy reasons.
Today my wife informed me that our daughter, age five, will start taking golf lessons -- in a family where no one has ever golfed. When I asked why, she said "Title IX".

Title IX was supposed to promote "gender equity" , but as a recent NYT article

Black and White Women Far From Equal Under Title IX
June 10, 2012

describes, the pursuit of one definition of equity can lead to inequity by another definition. The wife has also thought of making little girl row, since female rowers are sought by the Ivies. I agree this is all pretty silly but find it more amusing than disturbing.