Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Originally Posted by mithawk
Perhaps LawWorld is the most extreme example, but I don't think it's only LawWorld. For example, MIT faculty is full of MIT, CalTech, and Stanford grads, with sprinklings from other Ivies and Carnegie Mellon grads.
Correlation, not causation. The thing I was saying doesn't happen IME is filtering applicants out based on what university they attended. Do most successful applicants to good universities in practice come from good universities? Of course.

I think it is causation. While there is no explicit filter, there is simply a strong bias towards candidates with brand name degrees.

There are simply too many highly intelligent people that did not attend a premier college for numerous reasons. Some were late bloomers, and others had poor parental advice. The smartest person I have ever known was almost pushed into a community college by his average IQ parents. And the technology field, where I worked for some time, is full of highly intelligent and successful people. I worked with a person from the University of Rhode Island who created and sold four successful companies (each one actually built and sold product, not just vaporware).