Cricket, so many of your daughter's challenges sound similar to my DD. I've been contemplating whether we need further assessment or alternate diagnosis for her too. I understand your frustration and desire for answers.

I seem to recall that the Sally Shaywitz book Overcoming Dyslexia had a passage about a gifted dyslexic who was a high functioning but slow reader. I haven't read Dyslexic Advantage -- it wasn't out yet when I was in my obsessive reading phase about gifted dyslexics. I did read the Eides' Mislabeled Child and listened to their webinar on Dyslexia and Writing Challenges in Gifted Children. The webinar mentioned that gifted dyslexics were not caught by most typical screeners for dyslexia including phonemic awareness. Unfortunately, the DVD had such poor resolution that I couldn't read the graphic that they presented in any detail. They said that the one area where gifted dyslexic consistently struggle is with writing conventions and spelling. They felt that keyboarding was imperative for these kids. They recommended Write Out Loud software and some others that I can't recall. They found that spelling and conventions improved after several months using this type of product. I'll see if I can borrow those DVDs again and give them another listen. It probably would be good for me to revisit this info. I'll let you know if they had any other recommendations. I would assume that most of the content got into Dyslexic Advantage since it came out shortly after that.

As for rocky mountain dyslexia folks, they were very nice but didn't really view my DD as dyslexic. Most of the kids they work with are not reading two years above grade level. You could give them a try. They may have gained different expertise in the interim. Another recommendation that I got was to contact Beverly Trail. She is on the CAGT board and wrote a book on 2e issues. I never got around to doing it so I can't tell you if she is helpful.