How is her writing? Dyslexia tends to be really apparent in writing. Not just in the spelling but the entire structure of the writing. It tends to be really disorganized and choppy structure.

The letter reversal is not as common as people think, but reordering the letters in a word can be seen sometimes.

Does she seem to have an solid phonetic awareness? Does she sound out words or memorize them?

It is hard to imagine achievement testing related like Dibels or GORT being super high with dyslexia. I know some of the traits of ADD and dyslexia can be similar with disorganization, planning, time management, etc.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
Dd strongly dislikes reading, reads very slowly, and says that it gives her headaches.

Could she be tired from trying to focus and getting a headache from that? I know DS gets mentally tired out by his ADHD. His physical energy is still running circles around me despite his mental drain.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
She wrote into the report that there were no LDs, no ADD, and that dd was less intelligent than her older sister (one of her IQ tests was higher, the other was a few points lower than her sister's). She also went on to opine that dd's problems were caused by pressure from parents to perform above her potential and that, while dd seemed bright, she was nothing out of the ordinary. Given the inclusion of numerous 99th-99.9th scores in that testing (and her WIAT was closer to the first set of WISC scores from a year earlier), I'd tend to differ.

That seems rather unprofessional to me! Why would her sister even be mentioned in a report about her cognitive abilities? How is 99th+ ordinary? I don't know how much weight I would give comments like that.