Originally Posted by Grinity
As for the ADD, I wish I could remember if you have gone the medication route, and if so, did that help at all? What were the pros and cons?
No, we have not. Dd is very opposed to treating ADD at all. She's been refusing to take o-3 supplements even although they seemed to help last year. She seems to view it as us saying that there is something wrong with her that needs fixing. I don't expect that I could talk her into meds and I don't want to force it on her.

I try to go the supplement route with those things that seem to make a difference surreptitiously. I put magnesium in her smoothies, feed her foods with ALA o-3s since the only veggie DHA comes from algae and tastes so bad that she'd notice if I slipped it into food (although DHA is probably better)...