I didn't where to post here or on my other topic of confused.

First, why I am discussing this I wrote in my last post. Where I thought DD was in the curve and issues of her development.

I thought advocacy was most important in that part of the curve as people in GIGA really don't need it.

Secondly, someone asked about my interest in Non-linear and linear. I think this is a very interesting topic.

Because we can easily provide for the linear. But non-linear is the strategic and analytical side. As basically a non-linear with the typical hearing comprehension issues that Ellen Winner comments on, and DH being the ultimate linear gifted type, with a fact file that rivals Brittanica, I am interested in suppporting DD's non-linear development. (long sentence, sorry)

And it boils down to motivation, or what I think of as hunger.

Here's something to think about. When DH went to Harvard, they used to try and get a broad reach of kids across the country with a set amount from Andover, Exeter and NYC. Now, based on the long term outcomes of success (I think this means end income levels and contribuations to the Endowment --my assumption) they would rather take more kids from NYC than a top achiever from MN.

I think the linear accumlulation is great if you want to become a physician (like DH) or teacher but if you want success as a corporate lawyer or on Wall Street, it is the non-linear development. You have to get the picture, not go step by step.

Anyway, I am going to follow up with Ellen Winner and see who I can find at Columbia. And will post my findings. Grinity, look forward to seeing what you find out.

Shall we start a new topic, based on findings of the GT levels?
