Val, my daughter is also very much like that. More so than her intelligence, I think this is the trait that is going to get her places. It astounds me to watch because, frankly, I am not like that and neither is my husband. It's really rather beautiful (and at the same time, this intense persistence makes her a major challenge to parent). It's also a big part of why we moved her to a gifted school. She isn't just smart. A lot of kids in our circle are smart. She is driven. It's especially humbling to watch when it applies to things at which she is not naturally good--riding her bike and learning to swim come to mind. These skills took her a WHILE, but goddamn it she was GOING to DO it. She would cry and rage but she would get back on that bike.

My son is probably more driven than the average bear, too, but definitely not like she is, and I wonder how it will all play out.

Last edited by ultramarina; 08/18/11 06:28 PM.