Originally Posted by Wren
I did google persistence and gifted and did not see a "nature" link, it appeared to be nutured. In fact there were several things that came up and mentioned teaching persistence to gifted children.


When very young children show persistence as a trait, it's probably at least part of their nature. Again, the fact that you can find a reference to something being taught does not mean that there is no link to giftedness; there are scads of references, some of which come up in those starter searches, showing that there are indeed links between persistence and giftedness.

A sample that literally took me less than five seconds to pull up, from one of the starting links I gave you:
"Gifted students showed more persistence in regard to the difficult task than EMR students and also chose more often to repeat the difficult task."

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick