Originally Posted by Wren
The point being, our children may want to buy a Porsche or a Honda civic. Those are choices they will make when they are old enough. My point is what can I give my child so that if she really, really wants that Porsche, she has the options to pursue that life.

During my 20s, I spent my life traveling first class and staying in the best hotels in the world. It was fun. I spent a lot of money on my clothes and went to ridiculous parties.

Family connections help. There's nothing quite like being handed a job because you family knows someone and they feel like giving you a job. That was my last job.

Also, the right school works. My first job out of law school was basically handed to me because of where I went. That was nice. Credentialsim works. It helped me get my current job, too.

Also, you can fund your children direcly so they can buy as much stuff as they want.