Originally Posted by Val
I wasn't advocating creating some kind of eugenics program aimed at raising IQs. I was only saying "What's so bad about smart people having more kids and increasing the number of smart people out there?" smile

Well, to me, advocating that more smart people produce more children than less smart people is the same as advocating that less smart people should not produce as many children as more smart people. I don't see a difference.

And I don't see unusually-high intelligence as being the sort of attribute that is uniformly good, like compassion or health. Perhaps as our need for intelligence grows the average intelligence of our population will grow. That seems to have happened, and I believe that it will continue to happen if it continues to be beneficial.

But I don't see an under-supply of intelligent people in the world that ought to be corrected. I don't see why people who are perfectly satisfied with their lives and jobs and circumstances would benefit from an increased IQ. I don't want my IQ to be higher, or lower, and I don't want that for other people either (though of course I would not wish mental disability on anyone).

I guess what I'm saying is that intelligence is like height. I see no reason why being tall is better than being short (unless one wants to be a basketball player) or why being short is better than being tall (unless one wants to be comfortable in airplanes). I see no reason why people who are short or tall should reproduce more or less than each other.

And yes, in a world as overpopulated as ours, I see an argument for an increase in one group of people as an insidious, rather than overt, form of eugenics. To me it is no less offensive.