CM -- You left out the sentence immediately preceding those you quoted:

"Since I'm not a fan of gov't control over much of anything -- let alone population control -- I think we've got to have a little more faith in the individual."

I have faith in the individual, don't you?

And, yes, I understand the rationale behind large families where the harsh reality of their existence essentially dictates that strategy -- but that doesn't make it the *best* strategy (certainly not in the eyes of those most concerned about over-population). But I sure as Hades don't think it's my responsibility to reduce my family size while *they* figure out how to reduce theirs.

Maybe if we did get busy -- literally and figuratively -- and produced more smart people, we'd have more smart people available to work out solutions to the population issue. Or to better educate folks on family planning. Or whatever.

Consider this: How many times have we been told that we are gonna run out of food in X number years due to over-population? And then danged if some smarty pants don't come along and figure out ways to increase production, etc., to resolve the supply issue.