You've distorted what I wrote. That bothers me. This subject makes some people uncomfortable, which is understandable and okay, and it isn't helped when people throw around unfounded accusations and try to inflame things.
I haven't accused you of anything, and I'm not trying to be inflammatory. I'm trying to explain how your statement sounded to me and if I misinterpreted you I'd love to hear a clarification.
Again, I didn't say "unusually high." I said "smart," which is probably around the +1 SD mark more or less, depending, etc.
Okay. Personally, I don't use the word "smart" in that way, so I used words that I am more comfortable with. The cutoff point doesn't matter at all IMO.
This is totally off-topic from what I said. Please don't throw in random segues to inflame a discussion. I never said anything disparaging (or otherwise) about people who who are happy with their lives or their IQs.
No, you didn't. But when you say that smart people should have more kids, it implies to me that you are saying that being smarter is a good thing that we should strive for. All I'm saying is that that may be true for some of us, but not for all of us. Again, if that's not what you meant, please clarify.
You've made my argument for me. I said that our world is being increasingly driven by technology. Technology workers have to be smart, and there's no way around that. They need other characteristics too (e.g. integrity, drive), but this doesn't detract from the fact that they need to be smart.
Eh, I'm not sure about that. I think we could make the argument that the opposite is true, actually. And again,
if it is true that we need smarter people, I think that people will get smarter...without making extra babies because of extra IQ points.
Invoking Godwin's law never helps.

Though a corollary to that law says that I've won the debate because of your accusation.

Um. I'm pretty sure that you brought up eugenics first. Regardless, I certainly didn't accuse you of being a Nazi (nor are Nazis the only people who have supported eugenics). My intention is not to debate, but to make my opinion clear. If you have your own opinion, and obviously you do, that's fine by me.