My earlier statement that "it is especially important for smart people to have lots of children" can be fairly labeled as a eugenic argument, and I do not think eugenic measures are always bad. Prohibition of cousin marriage in many states of the U.S. is an example of an uncontroversial eugenic measure, at least here. In some countries cousin marriage is common and leads to reduced IQ and other birth defects.

In general, people act to maximize the chance of positive outcomes. Positive outcomes such as being self-supporting and staying out jail are more likely when the average IQ of the parents is 130 than 70. The same argument could be made for any heritable trait. I think it's reasonable to say that beautiful people should have more children, because they are more likely to have beautiful children. (I am aware that beauty is subjective, but I bet that if a 100 children of movie stars were compared with 100 children from the general public, the former group would be rated better-looking.)