Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
One might think it would be the smart people who realize that putting more time and resources into a smaller number of children would guarantee better reproductive 'success'.

That is what I wonder, as well. Most of the small-family parents that we know chose to do things that way because they calculated the costs of college, private school tuition, etc. etc. and found that it just didn't make sense to spread those resources more thinly among more siblings.

If you accept the Bell Curve argument that intelligence is largely inherited and that smart kids will usually do well unless the environment is awful, it is less necessary to shell out money for private schools and universities. Going to the local public school and the state university will not ruin your child's chance of success.

I have three kids and am sending them to neighborhood public schools, even though I could afford private ones, because I don't think it would make a big difference to their futures.