Originally Posted by Verona
Compressed cirriculum: not sure what this would mean if he stays at his current school. He doesn't work "faster" than others but needs less repetition, so I ask that he do a shorter work plan and then independent projects? He would hate this, as he would stand out as "different". If he was at home, I could certainly compress the grade 6 cirriculum into a couple of months.
Compressed curriculm - short definition is:
Pretest every unit as it comes up - if score is 80% to 95%, spend 5 minutes going over the wrong answers and check if there is a skill that needs to be practiced or an idea to impart, then go to independent study.
If score is under 80%, do that unit with the class. If the score is over 95% move on to next unit, or do Independent study during classtime.
And some kids would be fine with this, while others, like yours and mine, would hate all the fuss. The teachers usually aren't happy with the extra work either - which leads us back to the idea of gradeskip even if DS would have to scramble over a very gaps. Afterall, once the gaps are identified, how long would it take you to help him fill them in privately? Since the grades one gets in 6th grade don't go on the college application, who cares if he gets a few Bs or even a C in the beginning?

For some kids, being 'under the radar' is the most important thing - even though gradeskipping looks 'very public' and it is for a week or two, it's the fastest path back under the radar for a kid who really needs more that what they are currently getting.


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