English class is only 1 hour about once a week, so I thought maybe it wasn't worth the fight for this one.

I have not ever talked to his primary teacher (who teaches everything but drama, phys. ed and English) about DS having any special educational needs. The school did us a favour by taking DS in mid-October (we removed him from Montessori at short notice 6 weeks into the year). Plus, it's very hard to explain what he needs (smart but slow, perceptive but inattentive?). I don't even really know what he needs.

I'm not sure what, if anything, his teacher could do to help for the remainder of this year. Although she has good points (esp. regarding fair and consistent discipline) she doesn't seem like the kind of person to come up with creative solutions. Plus, DS hasn't given any "proof" of needing anything special, and doesn't *want* anything special, and she has some kids who are really struggling to keep up. There are "enrichment" problems on the work plan, but they look like just more of the same. DS has no interest in doing them either.

I'm thinking of other options for next year, but don't see too many possibilities.

Other schools: none any better that I know of. There might be some in English, but we want him to continue in the French program.

Homeschooling/online schooling: maybe, DH's work is in flux right now, but DS would likely be alone most of the day, which isn't ideal. He needs the social side of school.I know a homeschooling mom and wondered about asking if she wanted another student! However, not at all sure she'd be interested.

Compressed cirriculum: not sure what this would mean if he stays at his current school. He doesn't work "faster" than others but needs less repetition, so I ask that he do a shorter work plan and then independent projects? He would hate this, as he would stand out as "different". If he was at home, I could certainly compress the grade 6 cirriculum into a couple of months.


Last edited by Verona; 02/20/11 07:18 PM. Reason: tmi