Originally Posted by questions
Just wanted to mention that our OT helped improve DS's working memory through games like Rush Hour, Hopper, Guess Who, and other games that require you to hold information in memory while you try to think of your next move. She said that most of the Think Fun games did this, but the one where the guy has to cross the rapids is more linear - the puzzles just get longer, not more complicated and may not be the best choice.

His speed has improved tremendously this year, too, but our OT seems to think that it's because of improved willingness to do schoolwork, and improved focus. So he's probably no faster in terms of ability than he used to be, but he is better able to show his abilities now. Mia's suggestion of fun practice games is a good one, as basic facts get better with practice, and DS will practice more if it's fun.

What are these games and where might I find them? I've never heard of them. Think Fun games? Is that a brand-name, I guess?

Thanks for the tip!
