"What makes you think it might be an honest-to-goodness LD? That's something I wasn't really thinking about. I just tossed in the part about it seeming like an LD as an aside, to explain the situation. But now you've got me wondering..."

Nothing you have said has made me think he has some LD! I�m just brain-storming with you and am definitely not an expert. Even an expert couldn�t tell you if you have anything to watch without future information and evaluation. I didn�t mean to alarm you.

I have read about a particular type of math difficulty where specifically, the sequential steps of a math problem are the root of the problem. I believe it is classified as a sub-set of dyslexia rather than a LD.

I am really talking off the top of my head now. I haven�t read about this in over a year, so I can�t direct you to anything specific right now. I also have to step out for errands, but I will look for a link later.

Your son is profoundly gifted! That just makes everything else more complicated!